“A keyboard, how quaint”

Air Force testing new transparent armor

by Laura Lundin
Air Force Research Laboratory Public Affairs

10/17/2005 – WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFPN) — Engineers here are testing a new kind of transparent armor — stronger and lighter than traditional materials — that could stop armor-piercing weapons from penetrating vehicle windows.

The Air Force Research Laboratory’s materials and manufacturing directorate is testing aluminum oxynitride — ALONtm — as a replacement for the traditional multi-layered glass transparencies now used in existing ground and air armored vehicles.

Remember Star Trek IV? Well, once again we’re living in the future… they’ve got transparent aluminum now. Via a post on rassf;

What’s up with me, lately…

First, because it’s too cute to resist:
(from a mailing list I’m on.)

Other than that, not a lot of news. I’m back from a vacation that wasn’t, in the end, all that relaxing… though I will have got my AA Platinum renewed for another year once the miles post for the flight home. I’m not sure I’m going to bother next year; I’ve got the miles for Marie’s graduation trip, and I can’t help feeling that I’ve got better things to do with my life than travelling by myself (with company would help, I grant… perhaps someday, when Marie is done with school, or under other better circumstances.)

Slappy’s getting married this Saturday, which is really cool, though I am sad I will be missing a third weekend in a row out of town. Work is hectic; we have some deadlines coming up I have been procrastinating on finishing up rather badly, so I will be busy with that. Ah well.

If you’re really bored… some book/movie commentary follows.
Continue reading “What’s up with me, lately…”

“The Republicans’ gift to America”

On AMERICAblog: The Normalization of Treason, the Republicans’ gift to America

If a senior White House staffer had intentionally outed an American spy during World War II, he’d have been shot.

We’re at war, George Bush keeps reminding us. We cannot continue with business as usual. A pre-9/11 mentality is deadly. Putting the lives of our troops at risk is treason.

Then why is the White House and the Republican party engaged in a concerted campaign to make treason acceptable during a time of war? That’s exactly what they’re doing.

Go read the rest, now. How can anyone, even of right-wing values, continue to defend this administration? It will go down those of Nixon and Buchanan as among the worst ever.

(Updated tonight for crap html.)

I am so l33t!!!

There was planned downtime this weekend. The server now has mirrored hard drives, using the software RAID1 driver. And a hopefully much faster news spool on its own partitition, but that is a separate issue most of you are unlikely to see (if you actually know me in person and don’t already have one, do feel free to ask for an account…)

The electronic nose at work…

E-nose to sniff out hospital superbugs

22 September 2005
From New Scientist Print Edition
Paul Marks

AN ELECTRONIC nose that sniffs out infections could help hospitals tackle outbreaks of the antibiotic-resistant superbug MRSA.

Culture tests routinely used to identify MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) take two or three days to complete. This hampers attempts to manage outbreaks as infected patients remain untreated and at risk of infecting others.

Sometimes, living in the future is very cool.

via the Daily Illuminator

Roberts confirmed by the Senate…

Via Yahoo News/AP: Senate Confirms Roberts As Chief Justice

Part of me says “damn, this is Bush finally getting the Supreme Court, what we fought so hard against in 2000 and 2004” and write something filled with scathing righteous indignation… maybe change the borders of the blog black or something… but know what? Ever since they announced that he would be replacing Rehnquist after that old conservative warhorse passed on, I just can’t get that excited about Robert… it’s just the bad replacing the bad.

At this point, I just HOPE that people see the importance of Justice O’Connor’s replacement, and are prepared to fight it… up to and including a filibuster… 3 years of it, if necessary.

Phi Beta Iota?

FBI agents take over fraternity house

Agents displaced by Hurricane Katrina

Wednesday, September 28, 2005; Posted: 10:11 a.m. EDT (14:11 GMT)

BATON ROUGE, Louisiana (AP) — A new fraternity of sorts has moved in on the Greek row at Louisiana State University: the FBI.

About 50 New Orleans agents displaced by Hurricane Katrina will be living in the red-brick home once occupied by a fraternity exiled for hazing violations.

“They’ve been jokingly referred to as Phi Beta Iota,” Special Agent in Charge Jim Bernazzani said Monday. “We even had T-shirts made up.”

The home has been empty since the Sigma Nu fraternity lost its charter in 2004 after an investigation into allegations of hazing. The fraternity has been barred from campus until the fall of 2006.

I was a Sigma Nu at Dartmouth. Via DBA (which is our house alumni mailing list, BTW)… disturbingly, the house has a blog, too.

“Dartmouth University”????

Guy In Philosophy Class Needs To Shut The Fuck Up

September 28, 2005 | Issue 41•39

HANOVER, NH—According to students enrolled in professor Michael Rosenthal’s Philosophy 101 course at Dartmouth University, that guy, Darrin Floen, the one who sits at the back of the class and acts like he’s Aristotle, seriously needs to shut the fuck up.

From the Onion. Emphasis is mine. Hello?????

via some ’05 I don’t know on DBA.

Another one for the cute-animals file…

Jack Russell registers to vote in N.Z. election

Dog’s enrollment angers local electoral official
Updated: 12:20 p.m. ET Sept. 23, 2005

WELLINGTON, New Zealand – It was almost inevitable New Zealand’s election would turn into a dog fight when you look at one of the country’s 2.83 million voters — Toby the Jack Russell terrier.

An unexpected “peace dividend”…

Penguins stay snug and secure in minefields

Tuesday, September 27, 2005; Posted: 11:46 a.m. EDT (15:46 GMT)

KIDNEY COVE, Falkland Islands (Reuters) — There’s a mating ritual going on in the minefield.

Fortunately the would-be lovers are penguins, too light to detonate the deadly mines laid more than two decades ago during a war on the far-flung Falkland Islands.

Thousands of penguins and other feathered and amphibious friends choose to nest and rest in no-go zones. The British estimate that some 25,000 land mines, mostly sown by Argentine forces in the 1982 war with Britain, remain.

via Sherm on DBA

“None Dare Call It Stolen”

None Dare Call It Stolen: Ohio, the election, and America’s servile press
Posted on Wednesday, September 7, 2005.
By Mark Crispin Miller.

The national turnout in 2004 was the highest since 1968, when another unpopular war had swept the ruling party from the White House. Yet this ever-less-beloved president, this president who had united liberals and conservatives and nearly all the world against himself—this president somehow bested his opponent by 3,000,176 votes.
How did he do it?

via a diary on DailyKOS

Super-powerful hurricanes are the “smoking gun” of global warming

This is global warming, says environmental chief

As Hurricane Rita threatens devastation, scientist blames climate change
By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Published: 23 September 2005

Super-powerful hurricanes now hitting the United States are the “smoking gun” of global warming, one of Britain’s leading scientists believes.

The growing violence of storms such as Katrina, which wrecked New Orleans, and Rita, now threatening Texas, is very probably caused by climate change, said Sir John Lawton, chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. Hurricanes were getting more intense, just as computer models predicted they would, because of the rising temperature of the sea, he said. “The increased intensity of these kinds of extreme storms is very likely to be due to global warming.”

Bully for them for having the courage to say it. Where is the US scientific establishment on this one?

via AMERICAblog