There is no problem so big you can’t ignore it out of existence.
OK, that’s BS, but I love something about the phrasing.
Nate Edel's blog
There is no problem so big you can’t ignore it out of existence.
OK, that’s BS, but I love something about the phrasing.
Go check out the Biblical Curse Generator, which bills itself as follows:
Lost for a smart remark to see off your enemies? Unable to deliver that killer insult? Put an end to “I was speechless!” misery with the amazing Biblical Curse Generator, which is pre-loaded with blistering put-downs as delivered by Elijah, Jeremiah and other monumentally angry saints. Simply click the button below, and get ready to smite your foes with a custom-made curse straight out of the Old Testament.
via a private mailing list I’m on.
Perhaps they should have a warning label on the bible? Well, some intrepid internet parodists suggests one…
Apparently from; I got it from a message board I’m on.
No, Seriously. Save the Bananas.
Published: August 13, 2005A two-pronged frantic race is under way to save the banana.
It’s no joke, as Popular Science reports in a fascinating account this month. The Cavendish, the version of the banana that rests on top of American breakfast cereals, is “on a crash course toward extinction.”
The plight of the Cavendish Banana hasn’t really been new news for a while, but it’s a good article… and I loved the title.
“Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.” – Groucho?
Via the Portsmouth Herald:
BRENTWOOD – The “family jewels” of one Brentwood man recently were locked up for two weeks – literally.
On Saturday, July 30, at about 3:40 a.m., Brentwood police assisted ambulance and rescue personnel with a 39-year-old man with a padlock on his testicles.
via DBA
From the Times Online in the UK: Young men suffering from ‘early life crisis’
ONE in seven of Britain’s young men is anxiety ridden, according to a new report. Instead of enjoying their carefree twenties and thirties, men are racked with worry about employment issues, time pressures and financing their lifestyles.
While one in ten of men of all ages feels that the pressure of modern living is too much to handle, the anxiety peaks among those aged 25-44 who feel stressed and overworked.
Via AmericaBLOG
(I resembled those remarks quite a lot a few years ago… still a little bit now. Ah well.)
Via, on the Inquirer: Smoking laptop nearly brings down plane
Person with burning crotch
By Nick Farrell: Friday 15 July 2005, 08:12
AN AUSSIE aircraft hit panic stations after the smell from an overheated laptop was thought to mean that the plane was on fire.
SCIENTISTS have created eerie zombie dogs, reanimating the canines after several hours of clinical death in attempts to develop suspended animation for humans.
US scientists have succeeded in reviving the dogs after three hours of clinical death, paving the way for trials on humans within years.
I’m not sure I buy it, but he (British) Times Online says research shows exactly that:
The experiments also revealed a rather surprising effect: both men and women found it easier to have an orgasm when they kept their socks on. Draughts in the scanning room left couples complaining of “literally cold feet”, and providing a pair of socks allowed 80 per cent rather than 50 per cent to reach a climax while their brains were scanned.
Via The Sideshow
Oregon Cat Born With Two Faces
A newborn kitten recently entered the world with two faces and, hopefully, at least nine lives. Gemini was born Sunday with two mouths, two tongues, two noses and four eyes.
“I kind of feel sorry for her, because I can’t know for a fact if she’s going to live or die,” its owner, Lee Bluetear of Glide, told the (Roseburg) News-Review. “If she makes it, she should be a perfectly normal and healthy cat. Other than having two faces.”
Roseburg veterinarian Alan Ross, who examined the kitten on Tuesday, said he can’t estimate the kitten’s life span. He said when he first saw the kitten, he wouldn’t have given her more than a 10 percent chance of survival.
Via an aside on AMERICAblog
Most people use personalized license plates to send a message. This is a pretty
straightforward message.
From the recent Daily Illuminator:
Researchers at the University of Zurich have discovered that a hormone nasal spray causes subjects to be more trusting and to invest more money in a proposal made by a stranger. Read about it in (of course) The Economist. Fnord.