Like something out of Scooby Doo…

“But I didn’t know until this day that it was Barzini all along…” …?
“You meddling kids!” …?

No, apparantly The Votemaster of has finally come out publically with his identity.

Who are You?
My name is Andrew Tanenbaum. I am one of the 7 million U.S. citizens living abroad. I am a professor of computer science at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Most of you have never heard of me but in an itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny corner of the universe I have done enough stuff that Google has somehow managed to dig up 10,000 pages referring to me.

(from his site)

For all I know this page has been there all along, but dang it, this is news to me. Cool, though. What I really want to know is what Linus thinks about it and the election…

A personal note…

I turned 29 today. Woohoo! Well, maybe not, but at least I’m not 30 yet.

On other notes, the election is only a few days about 30 hours off, I found out my brother has a blog (also in the sidebar now), and I’ve been way too busy at work to update much. Just remember to go out and vote on Tuesday, if you haven’t already. (I went to early voting on Saturday, with Marie… took a half hour or so.)

Even Eminem does GOTV by kos
Tue Oct 26th, 2004 at 18:20:31 GMT

Eminem’s new video is amazing. Truly. Even if you think you don’t like hip hop.
Post mirrors if you’ve got ’em. I know they must be out there.

Update: Sorry about the infected link. Mea culpa.
Also, from the comments:

We need this video on MTV

Go here to nominate it for TRL.
Go here to nominate it for MTV’s hip hop request show.
Scroll to the bottom, click “Other”, and enter Eminem for artist and “Mosh” for song title. Vote it in as many times as you can!

As should be obvious, from Daily Kos… links re-added manually, any errors mea culpa.

(Post without title)

Arguments in favor of Oregon’s anti-gay marriage iniative 36 include such wonderful tidbits as:

“Oh, by the way, although Jesus never said a single word condemning homosexuality, if heterosexuals can’t get married, homosexuals shouldn’t be allowed to marry either—well, unless they’re too weak-willed to abstain. Sissies!”

(from Daily Dish)